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  • Writer's picturekimyafotovat

Finding Your Direction

I can’t even count how many times people have told me I need to stop putting my focus and energy toward things surrounding music or concerts, which has always been something that really gets on my nerves. It’s something that I feel like has always come with a bad reputation, as if you aren’t as focused on your goals if you seem “distracted” by doing other things that usually get looked at as being just a distraction. Since the focus of this blog is to showcase the different ways that music can lead to a variety of important aspects of a person’s life, I definitely think a huge thing that it takes a role in that isn’t usually something that many people realize or think about is the ability music has to impact someone’s career choices or help with their career life in general.

Pertaining to myself, my love for music and all that goes into has driven me to realize my true passion in life is working toward something that will lead to me being involved in the music or entertainment industry somehow, such as music management or artist publicity. I had always felt lost in life when it came to what I wanted to do for a living and I could never quite figure out what that one dream of mine was, but the more deeply involved I started becoming with the artists and bands that I had a huge liking toward led to me also getting super interested into all that goes into how the industry itself works, and I never would’ve realized that if it wasn’t for my curiosity to know more about the music I loved. This has been the case for many of my friends as well who also gained a love for working toward something in the entertainment industry, and I’ve also noticed that the specific types of music each person is mainly into also has an influence on whatever it is they want to go into.

A more direct impact that I’ve personally been able to experience is how someone’s love and knowledge for music can have a massive influence on helping them go farther with the career they want. Recently, I got to intern at a radio station I had always wanted to work for and I actually brought up how much I had traveled and made friends through the music that I liked and how deep my love for that went. After getting the position I wanted and starting my job, my boss mentioned to me that he knew he wanted to hire me because of how involved I loved to be with the music that I was into and how it was a good trait to have and show off. The same thing helped land me an internship at a music publicity company in Los Angeles over the summer. There are so many moments when I think about how I would probably still be feeling lost and not knowing what is the true path for me if it wasn’t for how deeply involved I’ve gotten myself into the music that I like throughout the years. Something about knowing so much about certain bands or artists has motivated me to work harder toward my goal in the industry as well as using it as something to further myself.

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