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  • Writer's picturekimyafotovat

A Strong Foundation

In a former post, I got into the topic of how music can bring people together and form friendship bonds that last a lifetime. Branching off of that, it’s always been an amazing thing to me how music can be the starting point and the base for romantic relationships as well, especially when they end up becoming so much deeper than what was ever initially expected. In a weird way, music can even act as some sort of dating app for some people who have fortunately met their partners because of a mutual bond they once shared, or even if it was a song that was playing that made a significant difference to their relationship.

Those have always been such interesting stories for me to read about or see. I remember seeing a story on Twitter recently where a girl had said how her and her now-husband just got married and she had walked down the aisle to a certain song that apparently was the song that they first danced together to at a high school dance that brought them together. Another story on Twitter I had seen was also a wedding between a couple who had met at a Taylor Swift concert and they decided to make their wedding completely Taylor Swift themed to honor that. Also having to do with Taylor Swift (because apparently a LOT of couples have met through her), I just read a story about two people who said they “fell in love over Taylor Swift songs” and then ended up getting engaged at one of her concerts, and they are now planning their wedding which is going to be themed based off her newest album. It’s such an insane and unique thing to see how something that started with such a simple reason of being a fan of the same artist or even just having music by a certain artist play while a special moment was happening would lead to such deep and lifelong relationships, and that music is always going to be something that will mean so much to that couple for the rest of their lives.

I’m also the type of person who believes that anyone’s music that they like is a good way to get a reflection of who they are as a person, and I feel like that’s why so many relationships that start off with a shared interest and bond through music end up doing so well and having such a strong foundation throughout the relationship. Knowing you share the same interests with someone is something that instantly brings you closer to a person, it’s sort of basic human nature and instinct that draws people together like that. Personally, I once dated someone for two years where the relationship started all because he had messaged me saying that he heard we had a mutual favorite band in common, and things went from there. Even though my particular storyline ended, I’ve seen enough relationships last long throughout the years that all started because of a musical connection.

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